Louise Turner
Manchester 2013
One of my first victims was none other than Stuart Deabill Manager of The Spitfires wannabe Chelsea Manager, and (the last point aside) as nice a bloke as you could wish to meet... He doesn't suffer fools gladly and is as genuine as they come, and I am proud to have him as my friend!
I have always associated Gary Crowley On-Air with being a voice on London Radio and of course The Jam. I remember seeing this young kid on some show he was backstage with The Jam - I think it was at Newcastle City Hall, hanging with the band! but I may have heard 'of' him before that... it was a long time ago! I have met Gary a few times in recent years, and he is a lovely chap, very polite and just exactly how you think he will be (don't mean to embarrass you mate!) - I also don't meet many p
David Pottinger is a young Mod that I had the pleasure to meet at the Modernist Literary Event, where he interviewed Mark Baxter. David runs the Modernist Inspired Blog 'Move on Up' but is even more well known now for interviewing Paul Weller in the Jam Documentary 'About The Young Idea' and for his cheeky wink at Paul at the start of the interview... Class! I don't wish to embarrass David but he is a charming young man, and it was great to meet him and chat.
Four young Mods at Morelli's Gelato in Broadstairs Summer 2015. From L-R: Zack Stoneham, Nïamh Frances Smith, Katie Town, and Scarlett Bayliss
Mark 'Bax' Baxter, was the first person I wanted to shoot a portrait of when i first had the idea during the summer. The idea was to try and capture Bax as I saw him, a mover, a shaker, a geezer, like Tubby Hayes a ‘man in a hurry’ and on a mission, with a smile on his face and his mobile glued to his ear. The lesser spotted (polka dots kiddywinks!) Bax can oft be found in London's Soho, and the native habitat was of course Bar Italia - haunt of the rich and famous, and they do make great coff
Ann and Nicky Weller taken at Somerset House before their Q&A Session, Mc'd by David Lees. Being honest Ann was reluctant to have her photo taken, but I did persuade her to pose in the window with Nicky and they just chatted like any Mother and Daughter do, so this was part staged, but mostly natural. Two ladies that have been an important part in my life, starting over 30 years ago with Ann and working with Nicky on various projects this year, two strong ladies in their own right, but always mo